Product eXperience Hub (PXH)
Boosts your Contentserv Product eXperience to a new level
The Product eXperience Hub is an external application, which is highly integrated into Contentserv.
It automatically fully synchronizes with your Contentserv installation and opens a completely new product experience on accessing your data with pre-aggregation and a powerful engine.
The main purpose is to have an easy interface to your products by offering powerful APIs, Exports and Imports. But it offers even more.
It is not only about Products. Also Channels and Assets can be fully handled.
PXH offers multiple main Modules with various Extensions.
PXH Export
The only available (configurable) near-real time (JSON) API for Contentserv:
- Easy: Easy to use and extremely flexible.
- API approach: Use a central near real-time API instead of building a specific export for every system.
- Documentation: Automatically generates the up to data schema documentation of your API.
- Performance: Great Performance to access your up to date product data.
- No limit: Supports all Contentserv datatypes even those where other standard exports are at the limit.
- One for all: Export Products as well as Channels or Assets with all the specifics.
- Complex data models: Automatically embeds all needed related objects (tables, references, files) – if needed even in multiple levels with full control about every single attribute and format.
- Push approach: Can be also used in a standard push mode to periodically push the latest product data to other systems.
- Intelligent Delta: PXH Delta Extension also offers also a clever delta detection to return or push only if any of the related objects (also in embedded ones) contain any relevant change.
PXH Excel
Enable your business teams to work with your product data in their favorite tool: Excel!
Provide a configurable export of your products inclusive important relations in Excel – special formatted for humans to view or even edit all your data together.
- Flexibility: You can configure what and how to represent your data without the need of defining any Excel template first.
- Embed: Multiple ways of embedding also references and tables to your Excel (as additional columns or as separate spreadsheet).
- Translation: Multiple options to handle translations (in rows or as additional columns).
- No limit: Great solution if you want export complex data models or tricky datatypes (like number with unit) to Excel.
- Control: Keep control of your data – you can define what a user is allowed to edit or what is readonly.
- Reimport: You can automatically even import nearly all changes in the Excel file back to Contentserv using the powerful import engine.
- All in one: Edit your important tables, relations, … together with your product main data in one file and just import it back.
- Dropdowns: Possibility to offer all your value lists as dropdown (even multiple value ones).
- References: Select your product references from a dropdown.
Special use case “Onboarding”:
Efficient data onboarding – let your “Suppliers” fill your automatic generated Excel files!
PXH Import
Importing and distributing your data from one import file into multiple objects within PIM / MAM can not be easier:
Configure your import schema, inclusive sub objects; apply transformations and keep full transparency of all your imports with an Import Staging area.
- Flexibility: All your defined PXH Exports (JSON or Excel) can be directly reimported – just use your export as a template and change some values.
- Security: You can configure for every object / relation what is allowed to be changed and what is readonly.
- Visibility: You can use an import staging area where you can optionally review and control all the changes before they finally get imported. See also all previous imports with their changes and errors.
- Control: In the review process decide for every single object / field whether to import or ignore changes from your users.
- Consistency: Offers upfront full data type validation with fast response to your importing system.
- Performance: Great performance as only relevant changes are finally pushed in multiple threads to Contentserv.
- Independent: Define your own identifier for each object (e.g., ID, External Key, any custom attribute)
- Clever: Automatically detects /resolves any dependencies:
- Full folder structures can be created with one JSON (PXH detects all dependencies)
- New Products and references / table can be created and linked with one JSON
- Even MAM Assets will be automatically downloaded and exchanged when they are changed
- Storage: Offers additional storage capabilities to import and enrich products with additional frequent changing content (like stock), which you don’t want to store in your PIM, but need in some of your interfaces.
PXH Business Rules Extension
This extension offers a unique recording and handling of changes in your PXH Exports
- Smart: PXH has a smart delta update detection. With the delta mode the consuming systems can request a delta to any previous call.
The source of the change does not matter (in the data, in translations, a new field in the schema, a change in an embedded object, …).
PXH will detect it and return all the related objects as changes. - Deletes: All deleted / removed elements can be streamed with their last version, or just their identifiers.
- Push: PXH periodically pushes all changed objects for a PXH Export.
The target can be e.g., a web hook or a message broker (e.g., Kafka or RabbitMQ).
It can also be defined how many objects should be combined.
PXH Delta + Push Extension
This extension offers a unique recording and handling of changes in your PXH Exports
- Smart: PXH has a smart delta update detection. With the delta mode the consuming systems can request a delta to any previous call.
The source of the change does not matter (in the data, in translations, a new field in the schema, a change in an embedded object, …).
PXH will detect it and return all the related objects as changes. - Deletes: All deleted / removed elements can be streamed with their last version, or just their identifiers.
- Push: PXH periodically pushes all changed objects for a PXH Export.
The target can be e.g., a web hook or a message broker (e.g., Kafka or RabbitMQ).
It can also be defined how many objects should be combined.
The PXH concept
The main components are:
- Field Groups: Define your schema into universal reusable Field Groups:
- Default behavior is great but if needed each field can be configured by all aspects like format, name, transformation rules … .
- Select important references, their relation attributes and what you are interested in the relation.
- Select important tables and their fields.
- Navigate through the tree structure and select data from your parents, children, siblings, … .
- Define business rules changing the standard Contentserv data for your business needs.
- Exports: Exports consists of multiple Field Groups. It defines the data sources and more export specific settings.
- Imports: Imports are based on exports. The export defines your structure and relationships. The import can be enhanced by specific import transformations and business rules.
Try out for free
You are also looking for a real time REST API, a powerful Excel engine for onboarding / offboarding or the most powerful import engine?
Get more information and try out for free!

Frank Ipfelkofer
12 years experience at Contentserv as
Director R&D, Head of Product Management, Chief Architect
Main developer of the Contentserv core.
Architect of the modules PIM, MAM,
Project Manager and TMS.
7 years experience at Westwing as
Head of Development for
Navision ERP, Salesforce, BI, Logistic Services,
Customer Services and PIM teams.
Visionary supporter of PXH
Originally needed a Realtime API in a complex data model.
Now using the full power of Exports, Excels and Imports and their integrated combination.
Having a Contentserv to Contentserv MAM synchronization between their OnPremise and Cloud systems.
„I think the world would be a better place, if everybody has some PXH magic in their life“
Started with PXH Excel.
Within half a year then additionally using Webservices, Delta Pushs, Stock Imports to internal PXH storage, …
Built several helper tools, e.g., „Sync PIM structure to MAM“, just with a combination of PXH Exports + Imports.